Standing On The Edge of Fear

Standing On The Edge of Fear

I was racked with fear. The fear was so palpable I could taste it. I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move. I was scared to death. I inched my little toes closer to the edge. My heart began to race. I could hear the thumping of my heart as terror coursed through my veins....
Without This, You Don’t Have a Stable Business

Without This, You Don’t Have a Stable Business

Almost twenty years ago, I bought a commercial cleaning business. The beauty of the commercial cleaning business was a continual stream of income. Every week I would clean offices that would become dirty the next day. I didn’t realize at first how valuable this...
The Easiest Way To Get Through A Wall

The Easiest Way To Get Through A Wall

Growing a business at times can be a roller coaster experience. There are the moments of elation when a new sales objective is achieved. There’s the satisfaction in knowing that you’ve been able to help someone with your goods and services. There are the moments when...
When You Hit The Wall, What Decision Will You Make?

When You Hit The Wall, What Decision Will You Make?

I smashed my face forcefully into the wall this week. The ensuing pain throbbed throughout my body. “Why does it have to be so painful?” was the only thought that coursed through my mind. As I recovered from the incident, I took some time to think about what had just...
The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision

On January 1, 1961, no human had entered space. Alan Shepard was scheduled to be the first man to enter space. However, the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made it into space on April 12, 1961. Alan Shepard aboard Freedom 7 entered space on May 5, 1961. The flight...

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