Session Title: Profit First for Real Estate Agents
There are two aspects to success with money – making it and keeping it.
Successful real estate agents are good at making money. They know how to sell and solve the myriad of problems that come with buying and selling homes. The strength of selling sometimes becomes a weakness. When you’re good at making money, it is easy to believe there will always be more money. Some fall into the trap of believing if they could just sell one more house all their problems would be solved.
The keeping it aspect of money is just as important as the making it part. When you become adept at keeping more of your hard-earned commissions you gain greater control over your business.
Profit First is built on two timeless principles that when applied to your real estate business, will bring you more than 80% of your success with money and put you on the path to long-term financial prosperity.
In Profit First for Real Estate Agents, Damon covers the following important concepts:
- The two main reasons many people struggle with money.
- The only four ways you will spend money in your real estate business.
- How to build a solid financial house for your business.
- How the Profit First system simplifies your money so have the power to control your income and lifestyle.
In this powerful session, the audience will learn how to simplify money and establish a proven system for their business finances that guarantees increased profitability.