For Every Action, There is A Reaction

For Every Action, There is A Reaction

It happens regularly. How could it not happen? I have four children. As much as they love each other, not a day goes by without a fight in my household. One child looks at another child the wrong way. Cross words are exchanged that escalate into a shouting match. When...
Staying Present Is Important For Happiness

Staying Present Is Important For Happiness

We only have one life to live. Yet too often we get so consumed by things beyond our control that we lose sight of the precious hours we live each day. When we live in the past we live in regret. When we live in the future we live in worry. When we live in the...
A Day In The Woods

A Day In The Woods

One of my favorite activities is camping. There’s something special about getting back to nature that reenergizes me. Looking at the lake. Walking on a nature trail. Sitting around a campfire talking with good friends. I have many fond memories of nights in a tent...
Four fundamentals of Profit First 

Four fundamentals of Profit First 

Yesterday afternoon as I was leaving the Crowne Plaza in Warwick Rhode Island, I bid adieu to my co-author of Profit First for Real Estate Agents, Mike Michalowicz.  Mike did a masterful presentation on how Profit First worked.  I’ve been involved with Profit First...

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